VISIT our store in De Pere anytime you are in Northeast Wisconsin. Besides our delicious home made, hand dipped chocolates and fresh roasted coffee, we feature gifts for all occasions and all ages, including Green Bay Packers merchandise. We always have free samples of chocolates and the coffee pot is always on.
144 N. Wisconsin St.
P. O. Box 143
De Pere, WI 54115
New Location!
784 Willard Drive Suite 300
Green Bay, WI 54304

Local: 920-336-1383
Toll Free: 1-800-776-0377
Fax: 1-920-336-2201
Open:9 am to 9 pm, weekdays
9 am to 6 pm, weekends
Closed on major holidays
Contact Us
Traditional home made, hand dipped chocolates and outstanding customer service are our hallmarks. Please contact us if you have any questions or comments about our products, our company or if you would like to receive our catalog.
Thank You For Shopping At Seroogy's!